10 August 2009

Home Sweaty Home~

Yay! Back in Texas after five weeks in New Mexico, and let me tell you, the weather difference is like, "O_O WTFUKK?!". Haha. It's 90+ degrees, and it's 9:16 PM. AYFKM?! What haff I gotten myself into. But I love being home, I finally get to see my friends after 5 weeks, what friends I now posess. Which is like, "o.o -looks through phone- ...........six." How sad. Wow. I phail at this friendship thing. Well, close-distance friendships. :3

Haha. Anyway, I'm back home, so that means no texting past 9 o'clock my time. {Central}. Which is sad. D:

I have an appointment with Ms. Amy August 17 !!!!!!! I'm so super excited about that. Like, majorly. I frikkin love her to death. I haven't seen her in 1-3 months, I think. D: So, I'm sikked about that. :D

All-righty. I'm going to stop blogging now because there is nothing else to say. :D

Thanks for listening in,
Jessica or Delilah;; ♥

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