25 October 2009

Don't Stop Believing~

I know that the title is a bit of an oxymoron in my life, because I just don't believe. I don't believe that someone can stay with you your entire life. People will walk out, but those who stay with you, are the ones that really matter, but seriously? Do you think that I'm going to keep the same friends I've had for long? I know that some do, and I know that if someone does walk out of your life, then it hurts, but I, personally, don't believe that I'm going to have the same friends I have in high school. I really only have faith that one, and only one, will be there for me after high school. I don't think that Daisy will be. Nor Jenna, or Katie. Katie and I just recently had our five year friendiversary, and I just wanted to skip it. We have grown so much apart since she's moved away, and it's not fair.

The only person that I believe will stay, is Amy. She's really been there for me, and knows when something isn't right. I'm pretty positive that she's closer to me than Katie ever was, and I hope that I won't lose her.

Speaking of losing people, Daisy's moving to California. Seriously !? I mean, she was closer to me than Katie, but now I don't know. We've seem to have grown apart since summer. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when she leaves. I'm just going to have to suck it up, and move on, because I know that people walk in and out of my life like I'm nothing to them.

But there are a couple of people who have stayed with me, and have proven that I'm not just something to walk on. I know that I'm always going to have my Eventide Alchemy "family", and that they won't ever judge me, and they love me for me. <333

I really appreciate you guys. I really do. <333

Thanks for listening in,
  Jessica or Delilah ♥

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