that's right. i can't give you the sky. i don't know what more you want of me, but i can't give to you anymore. i know that i said that i wouldn't leave, but when you play your manipulative mind games, i have no other choice. if you really wanted to be friends, then you would make an effort to fix this, but no. you're being immature. you're acting like i don't exist. you act like i didn't even leave a print in your life. were all those things you told me lies, because if they were, then i swear. i will never forgive you. i'm sick of you. i'm sick of caring, because obviously, you don't. so, to quote you, "why should you care when I don't?", and you're right. I don't care anymore. You can just leave me, like you promised you wouldn't. It wouldn't bother me one bit. I'm sick and tired of this. I'm sick of being treated like I'm nothing. I get enough of that from my dad and his bitch wife. I sure as hell don't need it from you.
Jessica or Delilah
P.S. Oh, and Laura, I love you.
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