07 May 2009

And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave~

Hi. I know it's not Sunday, but I needed to write. I am having a long, stressful week. I'm really upset lately, and it will probably stay that way for a while. My good friend, Dana, is leaving for Spain. It's like Katie all over again, and I don't know if I can go through that another time around. People always ask me how hard it was when she left, but you really have no idea. It was like she died. I never see here. I rarely talk to her, and to make it worse, I don't ever have her to talk to when I am upset. It hurts a lot now that she's gone. I miss her every second of every day. She means the world to me, and I will never let go.

It's going to be horrible for me, Daisy, and Maria when Dana leaves. It will be like a part of us is missing. Her spontaneity, her spunkiness, and most important, her friendship. We will always miss her, no matter what, we will never forget her. She means a lot to us. But we will always have each other. I'll have Daisy and Maria, and vice versa. I love them all like I love Katie. I will miss Dana so much. We all will.

Our friendship will hold us together. I'm sure of that.

On to worse news, my favorite grandmother, Mammaw, has a 1/2 inch tumor in her neck, pressing against her spine. She goes into surgery Wednsday and they don't know if it is cancerous or not yet. We will get the results Wednsday after the surgery. The most we can do is pray for the surgery to go well.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I know they are pointless and stupid, but thanks for listening anyway.

Jessica Or Delilah.

1 comment:

  1. They're not pointless and stupid.
    Trust me, I've felt that some of
    my rantings are pointless and
    definitely stupid compared to
    some of the other people's life
    crisis's that are going on in
    their lives, but it's not. No
    matter how stupid they seem to be,
    they're not.

    My best friend, Chelsea, moved
    to Washington last year, right
    at the end of 8th grade. Of
    course, I had Brandi but we
    weren't that good of friends
    then, but we've grown closer,
    sort of, and I hardly ever
    talk to Chelsea. Of course I
    can talk to her on the phone,
    but not that often, and it's
    never the same. I know what
    it's like, and I know it's
    definitely rough. Things'll
    be tough for a while, no doubt,
    but it'll get better. I promise.

