Hahaha. Long time no see, eh? Well, I've been doing great. Me and Daisy worked things out, and yes, she is still alive, thanks to me and Jenna. My weekend was quite the adventurous one. :D I had a therapist appointment Friday, so that went....uh....interesting.
If you know this, then I won't go into much detail. But me and dad and Alyssa got into a fight. Well, we thought it was our dad, turns out, it was our step-mom; signing into my dad's Facebook account and sending me messages that I thought were from him. But no, they were from her, and I just found this out Friday. So I was pissed about that. But then my dad took me to Marffa's and we went to Choir Banquet in Iowa Park, ya'll. OH. I saw Bethie. She's totally the same. Except more...awkward. She ran up behind me and grabbed my butt, then before she left, she ran into my arms and jumped on me. Yeah. I guess those caring years aren't over. :/
But I stayed the night with Marffa, then Saturday, my mom picked me up and I took a shower, got re-dressed, and went to Band Banquet with Daisy, Jenna, and Dana. Then we all went back to Daisy's house, stayed the night there; which was ahmazing. Then we went to church. I thought I hated going, but you should have seen Dana. You would have thought someone had just stuck a pencil down her throat. Geez. Then we went back to Daisy's house, had pizza, jumped on the trampoline. Then Dana left, then Jenna. Me and Daisy practiced the song we sang for the church. We did an ahmazing job, by the way. But then we went to evening church, and that was interesting. Turns out, Daisy's cousin was drunk, and they couldn't find him, and that is one of Daisy's closest cousins, so Daisy was upset about that. Then we heard the worse news about Jenna. But it's not for sure, so I won't say anything. Then after church, I got dropped off at my mom's house, then I'm here. :D
So, yeah. That's how my weekend went. I'll be at Prayer Group tomorrow, so I'm going home with Daisy. So that should be fun. :D
I'll see you all next week.
Love Always And Forevah,
Jess Or Delicious. ♥
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