08 July 2009

On The Road Again....

So, I'm on the road. I'm officially in Bloomfield, New Mexico. I won't be back for about a month, so yeah.

Life has been okay. I mean, as good as it is going to get. I had a bit of a panic attack the Friday before I left for New Mexico, when my dad picked me and Lyssa up, and took us to the pool, then to lunch, then to Middle Lake, which is the lake in Iowa Park. Scab decided that she wanted to show up for the party; with me there, by the way. But she didn't because my dad didn't pick her up or whatever. But I kinda spazzed when dad said she was going to come, because nothing...NOTHING, would have stopped me from doing something rude to her. But whatever.

HAHA. And then dad recommended that Sabrina should be my friend on Facebook, and I was like, "Uh. HELL NO." So yeah. I got a good laugh out of that.

But I'm in New Mexico, and I won't be on the computer that often, so if you wanna talk, text me. 19406328208. :]

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