16 October 2009

Come What May~

Okay, so I know that I haven't updated in a while. Seems like forever. Things haven't been exactly a slice of pie, but life is getting better. Slowly, but surely. I haven't broken down, or cried, or been seriously upset in a while. I think that's good. I know that I have the will power to stay strong, and with a strong support system in place, I know that I can bear through everything. You're probably wondering what has happened to make me realize this? Well, I'll tell you. Step-by-step. [:

After I posted the last post, I started thinking. Could I really control what I hoped for? I sat there, thinking about this for a while, but came up with no answer. In several ways, I know that I can control what I hope for. But on the opposite side of that, who says we can't hope. What do we have, if we don't have hope? Don't get me wrong, some hopes are not good hopes, but if you hope that you'll get a car, or get love; who says you can't hope for that? I know that my dad isn't going to change, but can I hope? For the good, or would it be for the bad? Who knows, and no one is going to know, because he's not going to change, right?

Another part of me realized that, even though my dad isn't going to change, I could still love what I like about my dad. I love everything about my dad...when he's not with Sabrina. He's a good father, for the most part. Besides, what if he does change, what would happen then? Would he still be with Sabrina? Would he be divorced? Would he still be with Sabrina, but be a better man? Who knows?

Okay. So the issue with Sabrina is starting to slowly escalate up. We're now on speaking terms, which is a good thing. She added me on Facebook, and then she commented on my status, all of which was a surprise. But I'm definitely not complaining. She's being nice, so I shall be nice, because I know it will make my dad very happy. I know that it is making him happy, because he got all excited when I told him that she added me.

Things with Daisy are going great. We haven't fought all year, so far, which I think is good. She made me cry the other day, but it was a happy cry. We were sitting in Yearbook, listening to music, when "The Climb" comes on, and she's all like, "This song reminds me of you."
"How so?"
"It reminds me of you because, every time we fight, it's really bad, and stuff, but when we get over the mountain, then we realize that we have a wonderful relationship, and you're a beautiful view."
I seriously started crying. It made me realize, maybe I do have real friends, and I do. I have Katie, Amy, Daisy, and Jenna. I was so happy.

Anyway, life is getting better. I'm not going to let anyone step on that, either.

Thanks for listening in,
Delilah or Jessica ☺♪♫☻

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