20 November 2009

I'm happy knowing that you are mine, the grass is greener on the other side~

Okay, it's time for a new blog post. Laura and I broke up yesterday. For reasons I'd rather not discuss. We're still friends, just not dating. Things are kind of getting awkward, especially since this is our second breakup. But, whatever. Whatever turns out, turns out.

I'm going to be really busy, so I'm not going to be posting often, but I'll still try for once a week. I'm in the theatre play for our school. Well, not IN it, but I'm the sound operator. I'm going to be doing a lot of after school stuff. With finals approaching, things are going to get hectic. I already feel the pressure of them coming on. I know for sure I have to take two. History and Math. I don't know why History...I passed the History TAKS, so I shouldn't have to take it. I'm not taking Physics. Or any others. Except maybe Spanish. I don't know. But I'm going to be busy busy busy.

The week of the 12-14 and then 17-20, I'm going to be staying with my dad. >_> Sabrina's the one that offered, don't ask. I'm doing good though, I mean, not really stressed out.

OH. I am going to the mall tomorrow to meet one of my friends from Burk that I've never met, so that should be fun. I'm taking three people with me, so I'll be sure that he's not a creeper. Haha.

Well, I'm off to do theatre stuff. So ttfn. Ta Ta For Now.

Thanks for listening in,
  Jessica or Delilah ☻

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