30 November 2009

This pain is just too real~

I don’t know where to begin. I want to start by telling you what happened on Saturday, is where I guess our story begins. I went to the hockey game with Daisy(I was supposed to be with Jenna). I went to the game with Daisy, and then told my mom I was staying the night at Jenna’s when I was really with Daisy. My mom hates Daisy, btw. Like, loathing hate. Now I’m pretty sure she hates her even more. Anyway, we were at Daisy’s house. We had so much fun. So much. But then again, we had some down time to. I broke down, she broke down, and it was sad. Then Sunday night, I thought that Daisy’s dad would be home, so he could take me home, and everything would be covered. Only, Daisy’s dad got drunk, and didn’t show. So we tried everyone. EVERYONE. No one could come and get me. If my mom found out that I had done this, I would be dead meat. I was so scared. For my life. I was so afraid that my mom was going to beat me. I was terrified to go home. So, with no one else to turn to, I turned to my dad. I called him and told him what was going on. He told my mom before we got to the house, and I told him I was scared I was going to get hurt. I was terrified that my mom was going to hurt me. She almost did. We sat in front of my house, and waited for my mom to come out. When she did, she looked livid. My dad told me to stay in the car, and I did, until she calmed down, and eventually did. The only words she said to me were, “Shower, and get your fucking ass to bed.”

I did what I was told, and went to bed. I didn’t fall asleep until I knew that she was in bed, and asleep. She took my phone, my computer, everything. Even my make-up. I’m so sorry to everyone that I screwed up. I’m sorry you won’t be able to talk to me for a while, and I’m especially sorry to Amy for not thinking so that we could catch up.

My mom thinks that Daisy is a bad influence on me. I don’t think she is. She is the best thing that I have here in Texas. She is the only one I can turn to when there is no one else here. I wish that I didn’t live here. I wish I lived far far away so that I didn’t have to deal with what I’m dealing with. I’m scared to go home, and I’m scared to face my mom. I don’t know when she is going to bust, and beat the shit out of me, but I know it is going to happen.

Thanks for listening in, 
   Jessica or Delilah ♥

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